←↑↓→: Align, select target to pass or shoot.A + A + A (press A 3 times): Corner kick (closer to the ground).A + A (press A twice): Light corner kick.
W: Goalkeeper rushes, the ball barrier jumps (when taking a free kick).Long press Q: Ask teammates to support defense.D or S: Break the ball, head to clear the ball (when the ball is high, corner kick).Press and hold Space when chasing the ball: Push, shoulder, press the ball.A: Split and get up quickly after a tackle or slip.Shift + ←↑↓ →: Change players (in the direction of the arrow).Z + D: Cut the heart, spin the shot (shot with the inside cheek).Z + W: Turn on the wall with teammates.Q + D: Prick the ball, press the ball, bounce the ball over the goalkeeper's head.C: Hold the ball and cover it (the player will have his back to the opposing defender).Shift + ←↑↓ →: Perform the technique of bypassing people, reversing the ball.C + ←↑↓ →: Hold the ball, control the ball in the foot.E + any arrow key opposite the direction of movement: Stop the ball suddenly.Q + ←↑↓→: Stop the ball and look at the target.Ctrl + ←↑↓→: One-touch catch or long push.D: Shot, volley, header, shot, close throw.A: Long pass, cross, header, long throw.Z + A: Navigate when shooting the ball.Keyboard shortcuts to control players in FO4 A, D: Long pass, high and strong serve.W (when there is a ball): Drop the ball.Shortcut to control goalkeeper in FIFA Online 4 ], [ : Increase or decrease the team's attack or defense level.Number keys from 1 to 10: Team strategy (tight defense, Pressing, counterattack.).

We have divided the FIFA Online 4 shortcuts into specific functions, so gamers will not take too long to get used to. Through the list of FIFA Online 4 shortcuts below, it is absolutely essential that gamers need to keep in mind when starting to play the game. FIFA Online 4 is currently the most played football game in Vietnam, after FIFA Online 3, FIFA Online 4 is the name officially released by Garena Vietnam with many attractive incentives.

FIFA Online 4 game shortcuts will help gamers easily get used to the fastest way to play FO4.